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The Future of PSG

Hi guys, Dom here. As you may have noticed we've been pretty quiet these past few months. We've hardly posted any blog posts or reviews since October and our social media coverage has been, well, pretty non existent. I will be honest, I've been struggling with motivation for all things PSG related. Its felt like a chore as opposed to something I enjoy the last few months ,and I think as a whole, my team needed to step away and just take a breather as we've had a busy few years building PSG. Along with various personal things and work commitments going on the past few months, Its been hard for any of us to really focus on this.

We can't say things will get better as the future is unknown, but I can promise that we are going to try to get back to where we were with regards to weekly blog posts and daily posts on social media as well as trying to bring you news from the scare, theme park and escape room industries. Normally in March we hold our annual Scaryvision event on Facebook and we haven't this year. We are still toying with the idea of running again or whether we are going to try something different, but no matter what decide, we will let you guys know.

This isn't a big blog post, I just wanted to let you guys know that we are still here and we are going to try our absolute hardest to bring you the content you deserve and just find our mojo with it all again. I just want to take a second to say thank you for all your support over the last few years and thank you for your continued love and support to us. It genuinely means a lot to me and my team.

Here's to an exciting rest of 2024 season



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