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Walsall Scare Maze:ChristMasacre 2024

Our Slasher Review

On the 14th of December 2024 we headed to Walsall Scare Maze to take on Christmasacre which comprised of the main maze "O' Holy Fright" a Christmas overlay of Halloween's The Haunting of Amelia Birchill and of course the 18+ Extreme experience ENOLA "Santa's Grothole". This time round the Birchill property was the site of a paranormal investigation team Shadowseekers and we were in for the ride with them. As expected from Walsall Scare Maze, the attraction was absolute perfection mixing narrative and storytelling with some of the best-timed scares of the year. Again, I'm not going into too much detail as this attraction really needs to be experienced blind, This time round the ENOLA clinic has received a Christmas twist but in no way has it toned down the attraction, if anything it became more challenging with the extremity heightened which we full-on support and adore. Top Tips-We say the same every time, arrive about 15 minutes early so you can get in the queue as soon as your timeslot opens.

Things that bite-We try and try with Walsall Scare Maze to split hairs to find a fault and again and again it beats us, Nothing bites about this attraction. Value for Money-Absolutely 100% Scare Rating- The main attraction - 5/5


Do we recommend-There is a reason we come back every time this event is on, do we recommend it, HELL YES! Stalker Review

First up is our review of "O' Holy Fright" the Christmas edition of The Haunting of Amelia Birchill. After a short wait for our 7pm slot we entered and had the usual photo taken before being sent down into the depths of the true entrance to Walsall Scare Maze's main attraction, Here we found ourselves greeted or in my case impact scare by the first of many of the paranormal investigative team "Shadowseekers".Literally 10 seconds into the attraction and we already have our first scare. We were here to be part of their newest season being live-streamed to fans around the world. But before long everything starts to go awry and some not-so-secret scares if you have done the Halloween edition emerge once again, this was a great way to set the scene and the cast member held our attention perfectly with his powerful narrative. It was time to venture further into the house and we found ourselves in the kitchen, where more story unfolded about the fate of the cook, this scene uses great tension and misdirection to deliver some great scares to get you going. Again the cast member in this scene worked the area well and delivered some great banter, especially calling myself "Lamp Post", my height does not hide me well. Another scene expertly delivered.

As we moved further into the house the scares came from all directions, one that stood out was one of Amelia's toys come to life through possession, A giant bear with huge cymbals, in such a large costume you would expect the scare not to work, but its a testament to the cast member that they managed to keep scares coming even if we could see them from a distance, they worked the cymbals with great timing and provided multiple scares. Following our way through the halls, the library and even inside the wallspaces, we found ourselves in the familiar living room, This is where another member of Shadowseekers, this time more erratic which made for a nice switch up from the other members of the team. They explained that one of us had the "gift" and had to lead our team into the cellar, but with a warning, do not wake Amelia's toys. Would the group stay quiet, not with the scares that came ahead. This is where you meet some of the best sets in Walsall Scare Maze and a firm favourite which we believe to be a small section of sewers, complete with smells, water effects and even a giant rat. Next up was another familiar blackout scene which will have you literally going around in circles and some high-impact scares thrown in for good measure. After 2 rounds of this scene, we headed into the final scenes of the attraction and just like Halloween, what a finale it was, the timing was perfection, the ambience was chilling and the scares were some of the best we have had all year long, combined with some secret effects we won't mention but they all combine to make a killer strong finale scene that left Abby on the floor on exit. And with that we are out, it might seem not very long, but there are so many details it is hard to mention them all and in all honestly we wouldn't want to give away every detail either. The sheer level of craft that has gone into this attraction blows us away year after year and the cast is some of the best around. There is a reason we always come back and it is because Walsall Scare Maze is nothing short of perfection.

It was now time to find some composure, sign some lengthy waivers and enter the den of depravity that is ENOLA.

Now just to reiterate, ENOLA is an 18+ Extreme scare experience, it is NOT a Scaremaze, everything that you do within the attraction is voluntary and you can safeword on a section at any time, but we honestly implore you not to if you want the full experience. For myself, it would be my 3rd time in the ENOLA clinic but this time around we had a new patient in the fold which was Dane.

Now if you are looking for spoilers of what happens behind that infamous door then you might as well look elsewhere because we will not give the details of what happens within.

ENOLA is absolutely bat sh*t crazy, And this year's Christmas overlay "Santa's Grothole" is no exception. It WILL test your limits and even push you beyond them given the chance and has been designed to give you an experience you will never forget all in a totally safe environment but rest assured you will leave saying WTF Just happened to me. The best advice for ENOLA is to just go with it, accept the challenges, push yourself through and if you are like me and Dane, you will exit feeling invigorated and proud for experiencing the attraction.

The entire experience has some of the best-trained and skilled cast members we have seen in this kind of attraction. Each of them delivers their scenes and tasks with power and dominance, invoking fear, dread and intimidation while still keeping the entire experience safe and consensual, People think you will be forced to do things beyond your control, like I said before there is a safeword and you can use it at any time, it won't end the entire experience, it just stops that particular task. The safeword is "Mercy" but like I said in previous reviews, I highly advise that you don't use it if you want to experience the sheer insanity and full intensity that ENOLA can offer. This aftermath picture explains it all of just what to expect when booking into the infamous ENOLA Clinic, but its also the reason we shall be back again.

All that is left to say now is a massive congratulations to all the cast and crew behind the main maze and ENOLA alike, Once again both attractions were totally on top form and delivered beyond our expectations which let's face it for Walsall Scare Maze now are pretty high. But each year and each season they excel and improve. The main maze has all the traditional scares but executed in fresh ways, and ENOLA pushes you beyond what you think you can handle, Wasall Scare Maze is the full package, now just imagine what it would be like if the team owned a scream park, We can dream, but for the space that the attraction uses behind the Lion Bar/Pub, you would never expect such a gem to be hiding within. Thankyou once again, you have finished our year on a high and we can't wait to see what you bring to 2025.

Tickets are on sale(At the time of this review) for the following nights. Friday 20th and Saturday 21st of December

If you wish to buy tickets for Walsall Scare Maze-Christmasacre and ENOLA, You can do so at the link below.


© 2021 ParksScaresAndGlitter

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