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Zombie Infection - Chapter 6 The Jail

On the 24th of June, Dan and Dane headed to the National Justice Museum in Nottingham to take on chapter 6 of the Zombie Infection universe. And for us both, this would be the first of Zombie Infection's offerings we had ever encountered. We knew a little about what sort of a show Zombie Infection puts on, but nothing prepared us for the absolute immersive assault on the sense that was to come.

Zombie Infection currently has 8 chapters and we feared that had we not done the other 7 that the story would be lost on us, How wrong we were.

We arrived at around 16:50 and our show was at 17:30. We highly advise that you arrive early to check in well in time. If you arrive late you will not be allowed entry. After a short wait to were signed in and paid for the optional but highly recommended "weapon system upgrade". That being a torch on your system and a laser sight. At £10 a pop for this show, we felt the price was reasonable and during our 2-hour event, highly valuable.

Now as you can imagine with a weapon of the size you get, it can get heavy but not as much as to become cumbersome, They are easy to operate too albeit very loud when you shoot which is to be expected. Be warned though messing around with these will not be tolerated, Zombie Infection is a strict event but rest assured it's for good reason especially when health and safety are involved which Zombie Infection pride itself on. Basically, adhere to the rules and you will have an amazing time.

Now onto the main event, Right from the get-go you are immersed in the Zombieverse and with Chapter 6 they waste no time in getting you into the story. Every single actor/actress are master at their craft. From the "guides" that lead you in the story around the venue to the terrifying infected to which I've never seen people fall so hard honestly I know they are trained but it still looks like it hurts. Every single member of the Zombie Infection cast and crew are just phenomenal, it bears repeating but they are all just beyond fantastic.

The Jail starts off so strong and never lets up with no area feeling like dead space and this is a testament to the characters (here's hoping my memory serves me correctly) Mayford, Blaine, Priest and Axel. Each of these characters delivered stellar performances dragging you deep down the Zombie Infection rabbit hole to the twisted post-apocalyptic world on the other side. Each performer was 100% believable in character and design and played their roles with force and vigour. As the story unfolds you start to question who you can trust and who will save you, making your choices of alliance key to your personal experience.

Before long you face the infamous infected, they may start off slow but rest assured Zombie Infection isn't going to make escape an easy operation. With tasks set by the guides you will have to work for your survival, this includes navigating near pitch-black scenes with infected littering the floor, the only sign of their existence being the nightmarish clicks and growls. And before long you will find yourself running for your life where the line between fiction and reality is truly blurred. Wasting no time getting into the action you will soon find yourself fighting from the infected that appear fast and frantic baying for blood.

Towards the end of the show, the anxiety and fear hit their highest as you are encouraged to go alone to take on a scavenger hunt with terrifying results and at this point, the infected are no longer slow and dormant but ferocious and fast-paced appearing from almost anywhere at any one point and let us say now you need to be fast with your trigger finger if you want to take them down but we should mention each weapon only has 20 rounds so conserve your ammo for the ones that run, it's highly encouraged to leave the infected on the floor alone which in retrospect ups the anxiety level never knowing when an infected might awaken. This all culminates in one final frantic push for the exit with a crescendo that serves as the perfect ending to this behemoth of an immersive experience.

We want to say a huge congratulations to Greg and the entire Zombie Infection team you are all absolute titans in the industry. We left shaking, full of adrenaline and in a state of disbelief at just how amazing the past 2 hours had been, An experience that we shall never forget.

If you wish to take on one of the Zombie Infection Chapters and we think you should then you can book your experience at the link below.



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